
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Shameless Plea

Help Me Please!!!
Well, not only me, help me help my KIDDOs at school! I love them all very much and they deserve the BEST when it comes to school. I have created a project on to help my kids get a horseshoe table in my room! This table will make teaching 8 kids with moderate to severe disabilities much easier! Example: Last week I was going over matching words to context clues. Try sitting at a circle table with 5 13-17 year old boys! So I would hold up the card and I would have to take it to each student because we were sitting in a circle. If I had a horseshoe table I would be able to hold the card up and all the students would be able to see it!
I know this is a hard picture to paint for some of you that are not teachers! I don't have the words to paint it for you. I am calling this a shameless plea because I NEED this table and I am not ashamed to ask for it! I have already sent the link to my entire Farrington Family: That is 4 sets of aunts/uncles, my mom, and 14 cousins. One Aunt has already donated! I know that my Family thought that once I left high school they would be able to stop giving me money! Ha...They thought wrong! :)
I know that times are tough! If I had the 400 some odd dollars to buy the table I would myself! This is also a reusable gift! Do you know how long this table will last me-FOREVER-literally! The chairs, tables, and filing cabinets that are in my room have been around since before I was born!
You also might be wondering why my school/school board is not willing to buy me this table. The answer is: If they only could! Have you seen what Montgomery is predicting for the State of Alabama Education's Future: It is bleak to say the least!
With that all said I hope you at least take a chance to Look at my link below. It will take you right to my project page! If you don't want to donate that is no big deal...I understand. You might look around and see a project that is more up your alley that you would like to give to!
Thanks for reading and thank even more if you donate!

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