
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow??? What happened James Spann?

We thought we were going to wake up to this... 4-8 inches of beautiful white snow to play in. James Spann got me way too excited and I made Matt go get firewood because they were predicting power outages. Around 3pm Sunday afternoon we were getting very large snow flakes and lots of sleet. Around 4:30om JefCoed called off school and I then became even more excited! (JefCoed only calls off school in extreme weather-Ex: the day the rest of the state got a half-day for the sleet we stayed at school!) It began to sleet/snow heavier by 6 pm and was accumulating! I just assumed that when I went to bed that I would wake up to a scene like the one above. Instead we woke up to this:
A couple inches of ice! Everything in our yard in frozen, including our grill!! I am sure it is a mix of snow, but it is HARD, nothing we want to play in! Even though the power stayed on Matt made me a fire to enjoy!

I love a real fire and I was so happy about being able to stay home today and enjoy it! Since we have no snow to play in Matt and I are going to take the day to get some things done around here! Confession: Our Christmas tree is still up! I did take the ornaments and lights down after Lindsey laughed at me for still having it all up! I also have some school work to get done! Can you say AAA? For all of you that don't speak Special Ed. Alphabet Soup: Alabama Alternate Assessment! The assessment tool used to test students with severe to moderate disabilities! Happy Snow Day to all of our friends North of us!

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