
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Prom, Sunrise, and a Beautiful Easter

I decided to go home for Easter and spend some time on the Lake. The Staple's Children (Logan and Mary Grace) happened to be going to the BRHS prom the same weekend. My mom had been helping Lydia with the dinner they were hosting at their house all week and I was going to help MG with her make-up on Saturday. **Side Note: Logan is 5 years younger than me and MG is 7 years younger than me. My sister started babysitting for the Staples when Logan was born and then once I was old enough I baby-sat for them until I graduated high school. They were both in Nickel's wedding, all four of the kids played at Chip's wedding, and most recently they played at my wedding! These kids are like family and I cannot believe they are old enough to go to Prom.
Back to the Prom! Mom and I went over about 3:30 and I went to work on MG's make-up. It was so much fun to play dress up with MG and Olivia Tess! After we were done with make-up and getting her dressed they all took pictures. Mom and I stayed until all the kids sat down for dinner. There were like 14 kids at the dinner and they seemed to have a great time! I enjoyed spending time with MG and Logan during this special time! Logan will be going to Berry College in Rome, GA come August and I know he will do great things in college. Berry is right by Chip and Cara so he will be well taken care of! Now for the pictures!
Mary Grace and I 

Mary Grace and Olivia Tess

Me, Big E, Mary Grace, and Logan

Me and Logan

Mary Grace and Logan

MG's date, MG, Logan, and Savannah

All the kids and their parents before dinner!
Sunrise Service
My home church (First United Methodist Church Dadeville) has started doing Easter Sunrise Services again. Last year we went to Mr. Guy and Mrs. Martha Perry's Farm outside of Dadeville and it was beautiful. This year they hosted the service again. It was foggy/misty/soupy but it was still a very moving service. The Men's Group in our church built three crosses last year and this year they added a rock altar. there is just something about being up in the quiet solitude to reflect the Resurrection of our Risen Savior! 
Rock Altar

The crosses, altar and beautiful tree!

Altar again

The crosses
You ask me how I know He Lives, He Lives within my Heart!
Easter was very low-key this year. It was Nickel's weekend to work, Chip had to work, and Matt was definitely working so Mom and I went to church and then enjoyed a quiet afternoon on the deck enjoying the sun. We did not even eat anything special for Easter Lunch. I am not going to lie: It was pretty much wonderful. As hectic as my life can be sometimes I need a weekend of nothingness and sunshine. Lake Martin is my happy place. Ever since I moved away to go to college at UA I long for days on the Lake. Most people that visit the Lake feel the same way. It just calls to you when you are not there. I did not realize how good I had it until I left. Which in the same way makes it that much sweeter every single time I get to visit! 

I missed Matt like something fierce, but like I tell everyone this is the life we chose to live. I knew what being a plant wife entailed. My mom did it for 20 something years and she is a huge blessing when I am having a tough time. My sis-in-law Cara is also in this battle with me, so it makes it ok. I feel blessed that Matt has a job. It is hard and I would be lying to say that I get through every single day without having a "moment". Thankfully I have people that check on me and invite me to do things so I am not just sitting at home feeling sorry for myself! Thanks to those people. (I probably should tell them thanks a lot more!)

STORMS on 4/27/2011
Who knew this day would turn out to be so devastating? I am one of those extreme weather watchers. Like the crazy kind: TV, computer, cell phone are on the weather channels. I have my mom to thank for this! She always had us watch every storm that came through! My sister is just as crazy! It drives Russ bananas having to watch the weather all the time! I had to take cover this morning and barely made it to school. Once I got to school the buses had not run in the county and then they decided to dismiss school at 10:30!!! Talk about craziness! I got home, took a nap, and at 2 pm I turned James Spann on again. He was handing out Tornado Warnings like ice cream. I sat and watched the Cullman tornado and then the Tuscaloosa one as well. I was in disbelief. The place I called home for 4 years was completely demolished! Taco Casa-Gone, Krispy Kreme-Gone, Hobby Lobby-Gone. Then it started heading straight to Hueytown. My school?! My teacher friends?! My kiddos?! The other kids at school?! Thankfully most everyone that works at school is ok, but Pleasant Grove (the town next to Hueytown) was hit pretty hard. Then once I get out of the bathroom Dadeville (My hometown) is taking a beating! I have heard from some friends in Dadeville that things are not horrible, but not good either. Hopefully it will only be material things and no more loss of lives. I pray for everyone who was hit by this tornado. I hope that tomorrow brings you sunshine and peace.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great picture of the rock altar that you built. My dad is writing a theology book and looking for a photo to feature on the cover, would it be possible to use it?

    David Hay
