As mentioned in a previous post, Matt's parents, sister, brother-in-law, and our niece came to visit us the day after Thanksgiving! Since we will not be able to go to North Carolina until after Christmas, it also served as our Christmas with them. This was a great excuse to get my whole house ready for Christmas 2 weeks in advance!!! ;) They were able to travel half-way on Thursday and got to our house Friday around lunch. After they unpacked we spent the rest of the day touring the house, lounging around, and watching football. On Saturday we got up and had a wonderful breakfast and then we split up (boys/girls) and went shopping. I took Matt's mom and sister to Home Accents in Pelham and they were both able to get some Christmas decorations. We had a great lunch at Jason's Deli and then ended our shopping excursion at The Christmas Tree Shops! After we made it back to the house it was time for the BIG GAME! I was not worried one bit about my Crimson Tide (haha!!) They ended up making it a solid performance and I am proud to be apart of the population that has bragging rights for 366 days (2012 is a leap year!). After the game we opend presents and attempted a family picture! It was funny to say the least! Just so you have a mental picture: We were using a $12 tripod that was barely sturdy enough to hold my camera, I had the camera on manual focus instead of auto, and an 11 month in point: All the pictures very blurry and tilted! Thanks to my genius husband he fixed everything and got us 1 good picture where we are all looking! Thanks goodness! After our picture we ate delicious ribs (Matt smoked them and they were so good!) mac and cheese, and sweet potato casserole! That night we watched more football and just vegged out! Sunday they got up pretty early and headed back to North Carolina! On Sunday, Matt and I did as little as possible and barely move off the couch! We watched a couple movies and I slept for about 2 hours! Matt's family did hit a little snag in Atlanta and ended up sitting in traffic for 2 hours, but other than that made it home safely! We are so blessed that they were able to come to our home and we enjoyed their company so much! We can't wait to see you in December. These are some of the highlights from the weekend. Hope you enjoy!