Where have the McMillan's Been You Ask?
Well....since Spring Break we have been going 90 to nothing! I have either a softball game or practice every day of the week except Wednesday and Sundays. Matt is driving a truck around in Kentucky/Tennessee every single waking hour it seems. Since I am using this as a record keeper I am going to bullet the things we have been up to since Spring Break (the last time I did a real post) and add pictures at the end to recap everything!
- Softball at Oak Grove has pretty much taken over my life! I leave school, drive to Oak Grove for practice and then when we don't have practice I ride with Wendy and her family to our games. Even though it keeps me really busy, there is something about sharing "The Love of the Game" with 9 and 10 year old girls! I now understand why Meg, Grandpa, Keith, Jeanna, My Mom, and Chip worked so hard with us before we started playing high school ball! Thanks to all those people who made/are still making Dadeville Dixie Youth a great place to learn the game.
- My two aides, my 8 kids and I planted a garden at school. See the pictures below. We planted cabbage, strawberries, and some herbs.
- The last week in March, Matt was able to come home for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. It was testing week, so I was not able to find a sub for Thursday, but we enjoyed the short time we had together.
- Matt worked on our Garden that he started in January. We were still having a couple of cold nights/mornings during that week, so the tomatoes Matt brought home didn't go in the ground until last week.
- I bought Jalapeño Peppers, Banana Peppers, Red and Green Bell Peppers. Matt brought about 16 tomato plants and I planted 8 and gave the other 8 away at school! I am hoping to have enough veggies to make salsa and hopefully freeze some for the winter.
- My kids at school went to Soccer Special Olympics and the Prom with other students in Jefferson County with disabilities. They had a fun time and I am glad that I was able to attend with them.
- Matt is BUSY, BUSY, BUSY selling plants! Whenever I talk to him he is either on the road, unloading his truck, loading his truck, or putting plants out at a store. Even though it will not directly effect Matt, we would greatly appreciate it if you would plant a garden with Bonnie Plants. It is easy: the plants are already ready for the ground (no need to wait on seeds to sprout!!), it is a great way to cut your grocery bill (if you are looking for ways to save money!! Who isn't?), and it is a great way to get your kids outside to enjoy the awesome weather! Go to Bonnie Plants and there are all kinds of tips to help you start your garden.
- Moving on after that little plug for Bonnie: This weekend I went to Nickel and Russ's to spend time with the girls and watch their soccer games. We got out of school early on Friday so I head to Trussville to play/watch movies/love on my girls! Saturday we got up and headed to the soccer fields in the 20 mph winds! I have never been a soccer fan, but seeing Carley and Scarlett out there was very exciting and fun! Side Note: They both expressed to me this weekend that they wanted to try softball-which makes this Aunt VERY, VERY, VERY excited! I really hope they try and love it as much as I did for so many years!
- Ok...Are you tired yet? Ha, I am going to be better about blogging. I am trying to use this as a scrapbook of some sort and failing miserably at it! Oh well, a busy life is better than being bored right?! Oh one more thing: Easter is just around the corner! Like a week away! I participated in Lent this year and gave up my addiction: DIET COKE! So not only do I get to celebrate my Risen Lord next Sunday, but I get to drink a DIET COKE!!!! Ah...I can't wait for that refreshing goodness...It is so bad, that I went to CVS today to pick something up and I saw that they had Coke products 3/$10...Yes I bought 1 Coke Zero Cherry for school this week and 2 cases of DIET COKES for Sunday!
Carley is the one in the pink shin guards! Carley's team is called the White Diamonds.
Scarlett playing with her ball during Carley's game!
Lawson enjoying the games in the wind!
My kids made heads of cabbage before we planted our garden!
Planting our garden (That is Wendy in the overalls)!
We even got a sign to let everyone at school know to plant Bonnie Plants!
Our practice game-All I need is a ball bucket and I would be Richard White! :)
After Matt made the rows in our garden.
Freshly planted garden: Peppers are the first two rows and tomatoes are the other 3.
Pepper Plants-They have doubled in size in 2 weeks.
Better shot of the garden.
Scarlett's game-They are called Girl Power.
About to have the ball passed to her. She is in on the right side of the girl with the ball.
Carley practicing her dribbling!
Until next time! Have a wonderful week that I hope is full of Sunshine!
DIET COKE for lent!!! Are you crazy?!?! how in the world did you survive?!?!