Dis we really plan on buying a house this quickly? No! Are we glad we now have something of our own? Yes! Do we have a lot of work to make it what we want it? Yes!
I feel like these 3 questions have been running on repeat since we signed our contract! House buying was not the most pleasant experience for us. So bad that I told Matt that if we ever bought again it would be I cash for the entire amount! I of course know that it is crazy to think that but the last couple of weeks have been that bad!
We are in the process of moving! Which is another stress of this whole process. Did I wrap everything enough? Am I going to be able to find anything when it gets there? These are both toss ups considering. Check the pictures out below to see what the rental house looks like with all the boxes! A huge mess! I will try to post more about the house this week. I will definitely will post lots of pics!

And just because it needed to be documented!!!!

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